How powerful tackle infant hiccups
The cause of hiccups in infants remains the same.The only problem is when your child will be upset and cry if the hiccups do not stop fast enough.The easiest way to stop hiccups in adults is to hold your breath for a few moments.However, this method is a little too risky for the baby.Consider some alternative solutions to overcome hiccups in infants reported boldsky (17/6).
Changing the position of nursingSometimes, the baby swallowing too much air during feeding.This can cause a series of baby hiccups.So, you need to change your feeding position to limit the amount of air that goes into the baby's mouth.
BelchIt's important that babies burp after you finish breastfeeding.Burp done to remove excess air or gas in the baby's stomach.But in some cases, burping can help release muscle spasms in the diaphragm and thus can stop baby hiccups.
Massage the backBabies hiccup for a while is not harmful to health.All you need to do is, calm baby.Rub your baby's back with a soothing manner so that hiccups could disappear slowly.
Eat on a regular basisYou have to feed the baby before it is too hungry and the stomach contains alot of gas.Hiccups can be a sign of stomach problems.If the hiccups indicate gastric problems, then they will be accompanied by vomiting.
Stop eating when hiccups do not subsideAfter a few minutes, if the hiccups do not stop, you need to stop breast-feeding a baby.If you continue to feed the baby while she hiccups, the baby may vomit.This will make the baby more upset.So the only solution is to let the baby hiccups disappeared, and then resume eating again.
These are some simple ways to stop baby hiccups.How often does your babyget hiccups?